Sun. Mar 2nd, 2025 9:36:01 PM

Disruptive business model

Do you know what it takes to earn money every single day from your disruptive business model?
What if there were 2 simple tips that can change your mind set instantly that will make sure that you take action to take your internet business to the next level?

The purpose of this disruptive business model is to show you exactly what you should be doing on a daily basis that will help you to grow your online business every single day without fail business model generation.
Let us first talk about the 3 things you should be doing on daily basis to start your internet business in next 24 hours.
1. Create a squeeze page in your niche.
2. Create something that you can give away for free to your visitors to get them to subscribe to your list.
3. Drive traffic to your squeeze page using article marketing.

Squeeze Internet Cash Daily By Starting Your Internet Business

Do this and you will start your internet business within next 24 hours?
Let us talk about the 2 tips that will take your internet business to new heights.
1. Momentum.
2. Leverage.
Once you have your internet business ready you should not focus on earning profits your first month.

Your first month should look like this.
1. Write and submit 300 articles in your niche.
2. Get at least 300 leads using these articles.
3. Contact them and ask them what their problems are.
That’s right; this is how your first month should be.
You will not earn any profits doing this. Out of your 300 leads at least 50 should tell you the problems they are facing. Create a product to solve their problems or look for an affiliate product that will solve their problems.

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Promote this product to your list.

You should be making a dozen sales and this is how your initial profits will roll in.
This is the next step you should take.
1. Continue writing 300 articles every single month. This is how you build momentum. All your articles will drive a constant stream of leads into your system. Apply the above steps to earn money every month.
2. Hire freelancers and employees to write more articles for you. This is the power of leverage. When you do this you will start growing at the speed you might have never imagined disruptive business model.
Now re-invest your profits in writing more articles and creating more products. Do this every single day and you will boost your internet profits right through the roof and earn money every single day.

By Miracle